How to Update ElasticBeanstalk Environment Application Version – AWSCLI

From the Directory of your Application Source Code.

$ eb init

Select a default region

1) us-east-1 : US East (N. Virginia)

2) us-west-1 : US West (N. California)

3) us-west-2 : US West (Oregon)

4) eu-west-1 : EU (Ireland)

5) eu-central-1 : EU (Frankfurt)

6) ap-southeast-1 : Asia Pacific (Singapore)

7) ap-southeast-2 : Asia Pacific (Sydney)

8) ap-northeast-1 : Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

9) ap-northeast-2 : Asia Pacific (Seoul)

10) sa-east-1 : South America (Sao Paulo)

11) cn-north-1 : China (Beijing)

(default is 3): 1

Select an application to use


2) [ Create new Application ]

(default is 2): 1




Creating application version archive “app-190206_123554”.

Uploading APPLICATION_NAME/ to S3. This may take a while.

Upload Complete.

INFO: Environment update is starting.

INFO: Deploying new version to instance(s).

INFO: Batch 1: Starting application deployment on instance(s) [i-XXXXXX].

INFO: Batch 1: Starting application deployment command execution.

INFO: Environment health has transitioned from Ok to Info. Application update in progress on 1 instance. 0 out of 2 instances completed (running for 8 seconds).

INFO: Batch 1: Completed application deployment command execution.

INFO: Command execution completed on 1 of 2 instances in environment.

INFO: Batch 1: Registering instance(s) with the load balancer and waiting for them to be healthy.

INFO: Batch 1: Completed application deployment.

INFO: Batch 2: Starting application deployment on instance(s) [i-XXXXXXX].

INFO: Batch 2: Starting application deployment command execution.

INFO: Batch 2: Completed application deployment command execution.

INFO: Command execution completed on 2 of 2 instances in environment.

INFO: Batch 2: Registering instance(s) with the load balancer and waiting for them to be healthy.

INFO: Batch 2: Completed application deployment.

INFO: New application version was deployed to running EC2 instances.

INFO: Environment update completed successfully.