

  1. From a local windows server, perform the following:
    1. Run a perfstat report.  This will serve as a performance baseline in case of any issues introduced by the upgrade.
    2. Run a config advisor.  Mitigate any critical issues if applicable.
  2. Login to the NetApp support site and run an Upgrade Advisor report.
    1. Review the report for any potential issues, if any exist mitigate if possible, if not halt the operation.
  1. Run the following command: ha-config-check.cgi -l -r c:\putty.exe  sigue.local  filer02name.sigue.local  … And pay attention to the network configuration in the /etc/rc file, and make the corrections if needed.  If all check OK, then do this on each filer ….
  1. Log in to the filer via the SP console on the primary controller.
  1. Perform the following system backups on all filers:
  2. Execute an autosupport: options autosupport.doit ‘Starting_NDU 8.1.4P7’
  3. Copy the entire etc directory to another location.
  4. Dump a copy of the filer config/personality: config dump  -f -v /etc/<<nameofconfig>>.cfg
  5. Validate copies of the following files: /etc/rc, /etc/exports, /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.equiv, /etc/dgateways, /etc/nsswitch.conf, and /etc/resolv.conf


  1. Download appropriate upgrade file image. Similar to:  tgz
    1. Copy the file to the etc/software/ directory


  1. Execute the upgrade on both controllers, one at the time: software update tgz -r
    1. Check the version: version -b
    2. Execute: cifs sessions
    3. Execute: cifs terminate –t 5
    4. Execute: cf status
    5. Disable SnapMirror replication


  1. Reboot (Takeover)
    1. From NetApp01: cf takeover
    2. After the NetApp02 reboots and the prompt is at: waiting for giveback … then
    3. From NetApp01: cf giveback
    4. Make sure NetApp02 is back online and normal, then …
    5. Execute: cifs sessions
    6. Execute: cifs terminate –t 5
    7. Execute: cf status
    8. From NetApp02: cf takeover
    9. After the NetApp01 reboots and the prompt is at: waiting for giveback … then
    10. From NetApp02: cf giveback
    11. Make sure NetApp01 is back online and normal, then …
    12. Enable SnapMirror replication.
  2. Post upgrade:
    1. Execute an autosupport: options autosupport.doit ‘Finishing_NDU 8.1.4P7’
    2. Execute: cf status
    3. Execute: version –b




Test Plan

  1. Once the filers are back to normal, do another “Sanity Check” on all hosts, protocols, and applications. Perform all pertinent application tests.
    1. Run a perfstat Alberto/NetApp
    2. Check for any errors on the /etc/messages Alberto/NetApp
    3. Test CIFS shares: datavault01.sigue.local
    4. Test Windows shares: trfilsrv01\02.sigue.local
    5. Test VMware environments. Alberto/Sigue
    6. Test all pertaining databases. This varies by site:
      1. DBAs to perform for the Hawthorne site – Hemanta/George
      2. DBAs to perform for the Ashburn site – Ali/Johnny
    7. Test critical Sigue applications:
      1. Application tester for the Hawthorne site – Hemanta
      2. Application tested for the Ashburn site – Argelia/Ramon
    8. Test Citrix: SGS and CMT
    9. Test Exchange
    10. Verify performance on OnCommandBalance (http://balance.sigue.local)
    11. Check SolarWinds for any critical issues: Network, Application, and Virtualization.
    12. Keep monitoring